Moisturizing, soothing, and beautiful.
You will love this balm - the flowers were gathered in a good way, as they are my own relatives!
Cold pressed flowers work together for...
chapped lips and dry skin, bites, cuts, burns. also good for eyes and nose irritation (especially from colds and allergies)
bug bites
gentle pain relief
sores of the mouth and genitals
decongestant if used in nose
Get two tubes - one for your purse and one for you car or wherever!
Ingredients: Made with beautiful anti-viral and immune boosting arnica, elderberry flower, red clover, plantain, yarrow, rose, horsetail, mint leaf, coconut oil, olive oil, and vitamin E. We added a little mint essential oil to this batch. All the plants are wild harvested from Tlingit Aani (Tongass National Forest) and infused in organic extra virgin olive and coconut oils. We add a drop of Vitamin E for preservative and organic beeswax to thicken.
You will love this balm - the flowers were gathered in a good way, as they are my own relatives! *plants may vary